Cyber Security

Limit What You Share about Your Children Online

It's easy to get caught up sharing photos of your children online--the desire to share with friends is overwhelming tempting. But it isn't necessarily the best idea to do that. Predators love that sort of content, and by posting nonstop information about your children, you're only fueling a dangerous fire. It also provides them with information like birthdays, ages, location, and more. There are also apps available that allow people…

Tips for Secure Online Shopping

Getting a gift is a lot easier these days through online shopping, but that also makes it very easy to have your information hacked and taken. Here are some ways to stop your account from getting hacked. Avoid using your debit card for payments. Instead, use your credit card or services like PayPal. Only shop on secure sites that are trusted from hackers. Don't click links, don't open ads, and…

Protecting Children from Cyber Bullying

Cyber bullying is a very real and dangerous threat, especially for a child who may not understand the nuances of the internet. People feel emboldened behind the comfort of a screen, too, and may say things that they otherwise wouldn't, including death threats and terribly bullying. Here are some ways to ensure that your child isn't being bullied via the web. Check in with your kid often to see what…

Top Antivirus Software of 2016 Pt. 2

With an overwhelming amount of antivirus programs available, it could feel impossible to make a decision on just one. We've narrowed that down by providing a secondary list of top programs of the last year. 4. Avast! is a great program for not slowing down your computer and is trusted to maintain a fast computer speed. 5. If you're trying to protect yourself on social media, then Norton is the…

Top Antivirus Software of 2016 Pt. 1

Though there are many antivirus programs out there for us to peruse, there are definitely ways to narrow the overwhelming choices down. Here are some of the top antivirus programs from the past year. Bitdefender is the top choice among many. It's easy to use, runs in the background without slowing down other programs, and although it's hard to install on already infested software, it works great otherwise. Kaspersky is…

Protecting Small Businesses from Cyber Hacking

For a new business starting out, a cyber attack can really throw things off course. In fact, it could totally dismantle a budding business. Here are a few tips to keep in mind for protecting your small business from cyber hacking. Take advantage of two-factor authorization. This entails not just needing a username and password, but a second way to log in, which can even be a physical entity. This will…

Online Children’s Games Can Reveal More About You Than You Think

You can be incredibly careful online, but an innocent child's game can be what makes your information more vulnerable to hackers. In fact, hackers may understand and recognize that these are great avenues to attack through. When these games were created, security wasn't really considered in the setup. And as such, children find themselves getting hacked often. Adult hackers lurk around these games, asking children for their information, and innocent…